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Court Dismiss Certificate Forgery Suit against Obaseki

Court Dismiss Certificate Forgery Suit against Obaseki

A Federal High Court in Abuja has dismissed the alleged certificate forgery suit filed against Edo State governor, Godwin Obaseki by the All Progressives Congress and a chieftain of the party, Mister Williams Edobor.

Delivering judgment on the suit, Justice Ahmed Mohammed says the plaintiffs relied on the photocopied certificate presented by Obaseki without getting in touch with the University of Ibadan to verify the authenticity of the said certificate.

Justice Ahmed Mohammed adds that no iota of truth was brought before the court by the plaintiffs who alleged forgery which is a criminal matter yet unable to prove their case.

The Court insists that the Deputy Registrar, Legal of the University of Ibadan had given evidence in the suit that the University duly issued the certificate to Mister Godwin Obaseki

It noted that Godwin Obaseki was duly and properly admitted to study Classics and later renamed Classical Studies in 1976 and graduated in 1979.

Galaxy's Godfrey Eshiemoghie reports that the court, therefore, concluded that the plaintiffs failed to prove their allegations of forgery against Godwin Obaseki and there is no other as to cost.


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