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Ebola: Liberia Deputy Health Minister Quarantined

Liberia’s deputy health minister Dr. Bernice Dahn,  has placed herself in quarantine following the Ebola death of her assistant. The minister’s assistant died of the infectious disease on Thursday.

Dahn and her assistant’s staff, whom she also quarantined, will remain under observation for 21 days for the full incubation period of the tropical fever that has killed more than 3,000 people since the end of last year.

Of the four West African nations affected by the Ebola outbreak, Liberia has been hit the hardest, with 3,458 people infected, and 1,830 of killed by the disease, according to a WHO data released Saturday.

Liberia a country of approximately four million people is struggling under the heavy weight of an epidemic, which according to the World Health Organisation, has exploited its weak health systems. Within two days last week, more than 150 Liberians succumbed to Ebola. So far, 89 out of 211 health workers lost to the disease were also Liberians.

According to a statement released by the WHO thousands of doses of experimental Ebola vaccines should be available in the coming months and could eventually be given to health care workers and other people at high risk of the deadly disease.


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