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Teenager gets acid bath on her birthday

Teenager gets acid bath on her birthday

A 14-year old Victoria Emmanuel's birthday has suddenly turned to be a dreadful day as one of her friends bathed her with acid.

The acid bath results to the burning part of her face, chest and back. The friend, a 13-year old Moshood Yusuf, had turned up to celebrate Emmanuel’s birthday on Wednesday, March 29, around Mafoluku, Oshodi, Lagos.

Prior to the incident, Emmanuel’s friends poured water on the celebrant as part of the celebration. Unfortunately, Yusuf ran into a nearby shop, picked up a bottle and emptied its content on Emmanuel.According to him, he thought the bottle contained a disinfectant known as Izal.

Eventhough, the shop owner had reportedly denied keeping acid in her shop.Emmanuel who has just been discharged from the Lagos State University Teaching Hospital, said she was on an errand to fetch water when the incident happened.

She said: “I was carrying a big bucket on my head but on the road, they put it down and started pouring the water on me to celebrate my birthday. Some were pouring dirty water on me and others sand.“That was how Moshood ran into a shop and brought out a container.

There was something inside and I told him not to pour it on me because we don’t know what was in it. He opened it, smelled it and said it smelt like chemical.“We told him again that he shouldn’t pour that on me but he didn’t listen.

As I walked past him, he poured the content on my body from behind. I screamed and ran towards the tap but he got there before me and opened it so that water would pour on my body."

Moshood's parents were seen at the Emmanuel’s home begging for peace after he has been released from police custody.

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