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Binos Yaroe faults Buhari's 2020 budget

Binos Yaroe faults Buhari's 2020 budget

Vice-Chairman, Senate Committee on Capital Market, senator Binos Yaroe, has faulted President Buhari's 2020 budget said that the present regime is officially encouraging corruption.

Senator Yaroe disclosed this in Yola, Adamawa, adding that the 2020 budget is a mere budget of consumption and not national development.

Yaroe questioned the integrity of the Buhari regime, predicting his concerns on the current dual exchange rate, which he said the present government was encouraging.

The senator accused the president of encouraging corruption with its introduction and sustenance of dual exchange rate regime which promotes rent-seeking allowing dollars to be exchanged at $305 and $306 giving some people the unfair advantage to make money doing nothing

The senator, however, commends Buhari for returning the country's budget to a calendar year budget, which is a budget that runs from January to December explaining that much budget failure is a result of late and slow release of a budget

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