LeBron James Gave All Of His Miami Heat Teammates WWE Championship Belts

One month after receiving a real-deal WWE World Heavyweight Championship belt from "Snitch" star Dwayne Johnson (better known, perhaps, as The Rock), LeBron James apparently decided he felt a little weird being the only guy in the locker room accessorizing with 20 or so pounds of gold around his waist, so he decided to hook his Miami Heat teammates up with the finest pants-stabilizers a sports-entertainment professional could ever want (with the exception, of course, of Irwin R. Schyster's suspenders)
"Always wanted to be the WWE Heavyweight World Champion so today I surprised my teammates with their own for their collection," James wrote in the caption of his Instagram post. That was thoughtful of him.
The belts appear to be have been personalized, too as Ray Allen showed on his own Instagram account, the belt he received featured not only a Heat logo, but also his jersey number and the "Jesus Shuttlesworth" moniker from "He Got Game" that he wore on his Miami "nickname jersey" earlier this season.
The belts appear to be have been personalized, too as Ray Allen showed on his own Instagram account, the belt he received featured not only a Heat logo, but also his jersey number and the "Jesus Shuttlesworth" moniker from "He Got Game" that he wore on his Miami "nickname jersey" earlier this season.
source Yahoo News