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Court denies El-Zazzaky bail

Court denies El-Zazzaky bail

The leader of the Islamic Movement of Nigeria (ISMN), Sheikh Ibrahim El-Za zzaky is to remain in the custody of the Department of State Service through out the duration of his trial.

The presiding judge, Justice Gideon Gurada adjourned the case to the twenty second of january, 2019 for full blown hearing.

He however, refused to grant the bail application of the accused person on the ground that there is not substantial reason to do so. Justice Gurada rather said what is of significant at the moment is accelerated trial on the matter.

The prosecuting counsel, Dari Bayero said the prosecutor had been ordered to produce witnesses for a full hearing on the twenty second of January, 2019.

The defense counsel, Maxwell Kyion stated that they are considering appealing the judgment of the court on bail application citing the ill- health of his client.

The proceeding was conducted amid tight security round the court and major streets of Kaduna metropolis.

Journalists were however barred from the court premises.


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