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Consolidated electoral act bill scales second reading

Consolidated electoral act bill scales second reading

The consolidated bill seeking amendments to four aspects of the electoral act bothering on the use of card readers for elections, death of presidential or gubernatorial candidate, party disclosure on funds as well as Diaspora voting scaled through second reading in the House of Representatives.


Members of the House though unanimous on the need to improve on the electoral processes for better outcome of elections in the country disagreed on some aspects of the consolidated Bills.

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At some point, it became apparent that members were divided along party affiliation, as members of the opposition PDP declared their stand against the use of card reader device in future elections, arguing that it has done more damage than good.

Their resistance could not deter the level of support by the ruling APC party members who insist that the electronic card reader remains critical component of modern technology to advancing the Nation's democracy.

Speaker of the House, Yakubu Dogara drew the attention of the House to note the fundamental issues that bordered on if a person who did not canvass for votes can be a direct beneficiary of same as was the case in Kogi as upheld by the Supreme Court.

The debate which lasted over two hours in the House was referred to the Committee on electoral matters, political and Justice for further legislative action.

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