NMA provides free medical care and drugs in Kaduna

The Nigerian medical association (NMA) Kaduna Branch is giving out free medical-surgical care and with a number of patients receiving free eye consulting at Sabo general hospital.
The NMA Kaduna branch says it is part of a one-week annual general meeting which is aimed at providing services to the less privileged in the society.
Addressing journalist at the NMA secretariat before the outreach commenced, Dr Stephen Kache NMA chairman Kaduna state branch said poor enumeration is one of the major challenges the organisation is facing and needs urgent attention.
At the general hospital, the representative of the MD Dr Samuel Okole NMA members are on ground to attend to the patients and the hospital on its own part has put everything in place to for the success of the program.
Some beneficiaries at the hospital expressed their gratitude to members of NMA for touching their lives in a positive way.